Immigrant Loan

Immigrant Loan Program

CBDC Blue Water and ISANS created the Immigrant Loan to help Immigrants who are starting a business in the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM). We also offer counselling and training services to help you become a profitable, self-sufficient, and successful businessperson.

How we can help?

Loans up to $5,000 may be available to eligible applicants. All loans are repayable and offer competitive repayment terms and interest rates. Loans giving you the chance to develop your business! Fixed interest at 10.2%.

Do you qualify?

CBDC Blue Water Immigrant Loan may be offered to Immigrants that meet the following qualifications:

The terms of the loan are:
• Applicants must be new immigrants with temporary resident status or permanent residency, or
Canadian citizens born outside of Canada
• Applicants must be registered clients with ISANS Business Development Programs
• Applicants must be age 19 years and older
• Applicants must be located in rural/semirural Halifax Regional Municipality
• The loan amount is up to $5,000. For clients with temporary resident status, repayment in full
must be completed within 3 months of expiring visa date. For example: 24 months remaining on
visa, loan payments will be amortized over 21 months
• Loans will have a fixed interest charged at Canada Prime Rate plus 3%. = 10.2%
• No penalties for early payout or lump sum payments of the loan
• Seasonal/part-time businesses and year-round businesses are acceptable
• Sectors eligibility is determined by CBDC Blue Water

*Repayment condition apply