Canada Digital Adoption Program

Canada Digital Adoption Program | Effective immediately

Eligible businesses will receive a micro-grant of up to $2,400 to help with the costs related to adopting e-commerce and supported by a network of e-commerce advisors.

Any business that has generated gross revenues of $30,000 or more in the past 12 months can now be eligible, even if they do not have any employees.

While The New Brunswick Association of CBDCs in partnership with ISED is proud to offer the brand new Canadian Digital Adoption Program which helps businesses in the Atlantic Provinces grow their business online.

The Canada Digital Adoption Program can help you adopt new e-commerce tools or give your existing e-commerce presence a boost.

Through the Grow Your Business Online grant, your business could have access to:

  • A network of e-commerce advisors to help assess your needs and discover new opportunities
  • Microgrants of up to $2400 to cover the cost of adopting new digital technologies
  • Get support to help you connect with more customers online.